Divine Comedy
Y’all know about Dante’s Comedy?
Me neither,
Just familiar with title,
Which is striking to me,
A poignant,
Humoring of the absurdity of existence,
That’s an inevitable thought,
Too any,
Thinking person,
Something like the rational meaninglessness of existence,
What I mean by this,
There is no rational meaning to the reductional material universe,
Though I’d like to propose,
How this may be,
An enlightening kind of revelation,
A divine comedy in fact,
Rather than being morbid,
Or perhaps,
After the bleakness,
And despair,
Which this thinking may potentially bring,
It can be liberating,
Though I’m not too sure what I’m talking about here,
I’ve got no idea,
Though what I can say,
Is there is now a feeling of lightness,
Not as a shade,
But as in terms of physicality and weight,
Or even mentally,
There is a lightness,
In a way,
This is all like a,
God Dream,
Of sorts,
And the hilarity of it,
May be,
That we take it so seriously,
These fictious notions we’ve invented,
To survive,
And entertain one another,
It’s a load of bull crap,
Excuse my language,
Even in bull crap,
There are seeds of the,
Even in dungus,
That’s why it’s funny,
Because it’s everywhere,
Plainly obvious,
The enchantingness of it all,
Though for the most part,
We act blind,
As though,
We care more for what’s unreal than what is real,
Though all is real,
No point indulging that discussion,
What one decides is real,
Becomes real,
And in a way becomes their God,
Whether that be money,
All such,
Have tremendous beauty,
Though they are to be played with,
As a child does a toy,
Not too seriously,
Though attentively as well,
Acutely aware,
Though innocently,
It’s everything and nothing at the same time,
Of course for the most part,
These words will ellude,
Even the most intellectual of readers,
I don’t expect much recognition for this,
But simply wish to reach the heart,
Of those that can feel it,
The humor,
Like it’s all just a ripple of cosmic laughter,
That’s creation,
And somewhere a long the way,
We started taking it way too seriously,