Life sometimes, just happens
As I sit here, and ponder the subject of this poem,
Or whatever one may consider this writing that I do,
As I listen to music,
Feel it truly within me,
The notes,
The voice,
The melodies,
They ring wonderfully in my ear,
I try to conjure an interesting idea for this poem
But cannot think of one,
So I decide to write whatever,
It is,
That flows through me at this moment,
Much has happened,
Much more to come,
Gifted spirits,
Souls conjoining and guiding one another,
Feeling splendid, inside and out,
No questions about it,
But still many questions arise in the level of the mind,
Insecurities linger,
How can they not,
I’ve been rather timid for most of my life,
I still I am,
This does not mean,
I cannot exude courage,
I can be courage, and formidable,
I am likely to make mistakes,
I will feel myself being uncomfortable,
But that is because,
I am growing beyond the vessel,
I’ve put myself in,
And am now trying to transcend
Thank you,