Little Butterfly Where are You
Sometimes, I am in conflict with myself
As if there is a person within me,
An entity residing in this bag of flesh
Which seeks to get out, and explore the world
Free to be curious and make mistakes
This little thing has often taken me by the hand
And shown me the way to the magic in this life
Through the lanes of my city
And through the maze of my psyche
This child has much more Wisdom than my conceited self will ever have
But I am fearful
I fear that I will lose control
And plummet into darkness if I release this little butterfly
Dance with me little butterfly, listen to the violin
I wish to be your friend
But sometimes, quite often actually, maybe always
I am ignorant of your beauty, and see through eyes of vanity
But, I know you are there, your cocoon is meant to break soon
And a melody will be sung when the time comes