Music as an outlet for spiritual realization or growth, or however you may entitle the feeling of conscious expansion and advancement towards the good of God.

Bruno Savoie
5 min readApr 6, 2022

So, wow, what a title lol. It feels as if this is a topic that is quite close to heart, so I’m hoping I will articulate it in a way that is accessible and heartfelt for all those that have the feeling as well, and perhaps open all readers to the possibility of this. I have not thought so much about what I’m going to write or how I’m going to write, but I trust that because this is close to my heart, it shall appear to me, it shall, arise spontaneously from the center of my heart, and leap from my soul onto this page. This is my wish, we shall see what conjures from the depths of me. I shall preface this by saying, I am no musical scientist, simply a musical enthusiast, who has felt for quite a while, that music, is of quintessence in the current world stage. Something about this art form, has resonated with many, some would say the music scene is over saturated, I would say, more and more people are given the stage to reveal to the world the importance and magic of creative expression, and this should be the fundamental purpose, to convey the power of truthful expression of self through art. As I am writing these words, I listen to music, and feel as if they synchronize to the words, facilitate the expression of my soul onto this canvas. The music, must draw out the soul, from it’s hiding place, I think this is the key, and key here is the key word, for it must open a door within you which has been closeting the deepest and most vulnerable part of you, this is also the most extraordinary part of you. The music, is a sort of outlet, a partner, which you can dance with, in order to to liberate you of certain stresses which have been concealed in your psyche for far too long, things which you’ve brushed aside, in fear of jeopardizing the order of the ego. However, the ego must learn to feel, it’s sensitivities, and fragilities, so as to become more dexterous and open to the life process. Music, not to be scrutinized so much, but more so, perceived as a teacher which can be called upon to expand your thinking and open your heart. The music which you listen to, is a reflection of how you feel at the moment, most commonly we listen music that we feel we can relate too, and so this is of psychological significance, considering the operating system which is in place. Let me elaborate a little bit here, and touch on a few things which are maybe unrelated to music, but ultimately will lead us back to there like a pretty little bow of infinite motion. I’d say of the human psyche, it is an inner chamber of sorts, of infinite proportion, wherein lies the history of mankind really, though that is the psyche particular to the human mind, go a bit deeper, and perhaps, one can find the chambers of the universe, perhaps. Thus, depending on the integration, or the exploration of such a chamber, it’s belongings find ways, seep through to the outside as projections, and thus from the mind, from the psyche is projected, and reflected back to the human what it is they are most needing right now, or the creature which lurks in those recesses of your psyche’s dungeon, which is so vehemently wanting to come out, and through an intelligence which is beyond our understanding, appears to us in behaviorally manifested way. Thus, hmm, where to go with this now I wonder, well, maybe I should mention that I’m listening to music as I write these words, and it is as though, music can draw out the words, from that deep chamber of yours. Tis not only scary things which lurk beneath there, well scary they may not be at all, they are there, inside of you, kind of like Naruto harboring the nine tail fox demon inside of him, feeling as though it is a tremendous burden, though he finally learns to integrate, and befriend this terrifying fox whom unlocks in him a tremendous degree of power. They hold incredible power really, and that can be terrifying, because they also tell you that everything which you think you know, and take for granted as a matter of fact, the tangible world around you, the reductionist model of reality, the scientific debunking of the potentiality of God, may be a flawed kind of way of perceiving things. Not flawed in a kind of erroneous, oh no I’ve made a disastrous mistake kind of way, but in a way that, well is absolutely needed for the discovery of soul. Wishy washy soul talk, yes, yes, I know, though, listen to it, and let it tell you of its existence, not me, I’m just a simpleton, with vocabulary to fancify the utter plainness of what it is, though what it is is magnificently colorful haha. There it is, the music and the soul coexist, in a way, one draws from the other, how to say it in simple terms, when absorbed in a most astounding piece of music, it’s not the technicality of it, it’s not the perfection of it, perhaps these are accompaniments and tantalizers for your ears, though, what is felt, is that of a soulful kind of inkling, a calling, from one spirit to the other, a hide and go seek kind of game. Creative expression, beyond the control of the artist, for the artist, and gosh what a word with unnecessarily aesthetic, and posh connotations this has become, so for this person, this conduit perhaps, this instrument, in fine attunement to something which so greatly absorbs them, whether it be piano, painting, martial arts, welding, driving, writing, singing, frolicking, horse back riding, this thing, calls to them, draws them in, as a reflection of their own souls history, and the demands of the ‘psyche’ for liberation through this form of absorption. And boom, the ego is put aside, and a space is allowed, from which, something enchanting, something alluring, something universally erotic can come through. Music though, these sounds, if attending too mindfully, with the clear intention, clear intention yes, that it is, a powerful thing, clear intention, too observe your reaction to it, you shall see just what your psyche demands of you, and sometimes that is to put down the music for a little bit and attend to different things, like silence for instance. See what arises there, is it anger, grr, anger can be so unbearable sometimes, but to whom is the anger directed, and of what is its use, and can it be transmuted, like a flame, it’s intentions may differ, though at it’s root it is energy, a smoking hot, dangerously illuminating kind of energy. So, yes, it feels as though I’ve gone on a bit of tangent here, and I hope not without having tied together that pretty little bow of infinite motion I was mentioning before, because in this bow of infinite motion, is a myriad of things, life can be a tremendous obstacle, or it can be a most playful, tragic, utterly zestful kind of river, wherein, one learns to find what is truly meaningful, and have as a helping hand the aids of music, books, friends, and your soul’s wisdom.

