Reading — The Lonesome God ?
Been reading lots of delicious books lately
Delicious in the way they nourish my mind
For this is the power of a good book
One needs not to decipher every detail
But read plentiful until something clicks
As if the words are hitting something inside of yourself
You are not hollow, but full of energy and potential
And the gifted author will write in a way that compliments this energy of yours
It will climb the stairs of your inner home
That place inside of you where dwells the secrets,
And all that you’ve forgotten
There is always a place for those things inside of you
The words will make their way to the top
And strike you in a way that enriches your innards
Decorates your inner home so as to give you a feeling of inner-beauty
This is what a good book must do to you
Books have instilled in them the intention of the author
The author in a way lives on inside the book, the words written
Contain subtleties that may hit you like a truck suddenly
And it dawns on you that this author had in him
A magical spirit which continues to live on now inside of you
Which has leaped from the book to your mind, and into your home
And for that moment, you take it all in
Breathe in the magic of life, seeing that there is a world underneath
Which the eyes cannot see, and your fingers cannot grasp
But the skillful author can make you feel
These words, have nothing to say
Only that I feel myself becoming entwined with the swiveling nature
And that my mind circles around the idea of The Lonesome God