Will this be a poem? Or a short piece about my love and dubiousness of solitude? Solitude is where one can rest, let go of themselves, away from other people, there is no longer the conditioned need to put on this mask. We’ve departed from the party, the party has drained us, for we did not feel we could talk authentically, there was a superfluous pungency to the air, the feeling that one must charade himself in this fitting manner, the mask of society. But what a despicable word that is, or a despicable conception, that society is unfruitful. The people that say, forget about society, what is the use for such political affairs, and governmental sovereignty, let the people live in anarchy, let true human nature appear, unhinged by all such social institutions. How dubious this is, for is it not human nature, to manifest intelligence in this form, to assemble life in this way, to express ourselves in this technological and innovative way, is it not human nature, to build a society in which human beings can assist in the illusory progression of mankind. Although it is an illusion, for what is tangible about all these monetary pursuits, the feeling that we are fulfilling our role in this hierarchical puzzle of society, is what keeps us from drowning in the sea of mystery that is life. One has the desire to “figure things out”, to seize control of life, but what does this bring other than mundanity and an altogether boring life. Perhaps I’m all too quick to make this judgment, for once in a blue moon, I will see a family, a beautiful family, with a young child, and simple, hard working parents, the types of people that find happiness in the things that we’ve been educated to find happiness from, the family oriented people, the housekeepers, the garden yielders, the grandparents, those that have lived in society, accepting it as their reality, and plunging into it, these are the people that have a role to fulfill, they can be happy in the mask they put on, for perhaps this was the purpose of their lives in this lifetime. This is why I say, don’t be so quick in discounting society, this is an expression of all that we have understood, this is our natural course, and all human beings follow their natural course, some may not know it directly, but all know it profoundly. We feel alienated for we have miscomprehended the preciousness of our time spent here, we’ve become imprinted in the fabric of this game we play, but that’s it, that’s the point, to live in the game fully, engage yourself fully, explore the ins and the outs until this naturally comes to a close, and one should start a new research in their lives. This was initially intended to be about solitude, oh how I deviate so easily, I’m an unproductive man, fairly easily distracted, with no structure, I often fall, I’ve chosen, or perhaps I’ve been given, an obscure path which often baffles me, but now here’s how it all ties together. In those moments of solitude, which I often question and doubt to be meaningful and altogether contributive to my life journey, I am often reminded of the magic of this life, away from other people, whom I project my own doubts onto, doubting my self-worth in the social mosaic, I question my competence in society, but when alone, I’m reminded of the genius, for the genius is the peculiar man that prefers being alone. This aloneness is how the artist discovers what is within, without interference from the social demand for composed behavior, the bizarre, horrifying, mystifying and enlightening world within can finally come out. No need to be scared anymore my friend, you are safe now, nobody is watching, so please come out and show to me your mystery.