The buzz buzz in the room room
Sometimes, I’ll find a fly in my home
It will buzz around
Often banging into the windows
Attempting to pass through
For it is confused by the transparent barrier
Which blocks them from the outside
I feel bad for the fly
But also, the fly comforts me
In a strangely sadistic way
I feel that I have the ingenuity of an exit
But the fly does not
I will also find bees in my home from time to time
One summer, they kept on appearing
And we had no idea where they came from
But they just kept buzzing around
I would release them
Fearfully, for they may have stung me
But as gently as I could
I would trap them in some type of vessel
And carry them outside
One time, for some odd reason
I thought honey in a jar would attract the bee into entering it
But it turns out
The Bee had no desire to approach it’s own modified creation
So I resorted to patiently waiting for the opportunity to trap it
Into the jar with the honey
And then releasing it
But, the little bee, could not leave the jar yet
For it was stuck to the honey I had placed at the bottom
Oh what irony,
Stuck in your own doing
Ha Ha, but I guess it was my fault
I felt bad, so I tried helping the bee,
It was really stuck
Fascinating it was to observe this bee
With a will of it’s own
Trying to escape the suction of this honey
I tried to water the bee, so as to liquidate the stickiness
But that just seemed to make it worse
Finally, I decided it would be best to let the bee do it’s own thing
It is probably smarter than me
For it follows natures way
Back to it’s home always,
The beehive, where it shall attend to the Queen
That which reproduces the life that it is
But what is my home
And whom is my queen