Lately, I’ve been listening to lots of J. Krishnamurti lectures, have read some of his books, well written compilations of his teachings, and something about this ‘teacher’, though I’m sure he would refuse this designation, just as he had rejected his messianic role as the World Leader, as appointed to him by the Theosophy organization, leaves me speechless. Firstly, it’s quite remarkable that he downright resigned this designation as World Leader, and instead turned to a life of being a travelling teacher of sorts. It is almost as though, he was destined to be a messiah of sorts, but through realization of the ultimate futility of such designations or titles for himself, renounced them, and thus became the ‘teacher’ he was ultimately destined to become, one of non-dual silence, and expression from this non-dual silence which he so humbly embodied. He points too, with his clever language, his teasing kind of vernacular, but also by having a remarkably gentle way of speech, to this silent source which is inscrutable to the mind. Even writing about it, makes me rather uncomfortable, because I feel as though, words merely surround the point without actually getting to it. That is why pointing, you know, the famous finger pointing to the moon metaphor, is wonderful, it is not a possession of the teachings, rather it is creating a space in which one can find reflected back to them the sacredness of their own nature. The finger is actually pointing right to the center of your heart in a way, though don’t get too lost in the concepts my friends. What’s the finger pointing at Mr. Krishnamurti, I’d like to know! Please visit me, in a dream or something, or in spirit form, I’m sure you have such powers now that you’ve crossed to the other side, and place your finger on my forehead, and illuminate my mind. I wish, heehee, he’d probably say, “well, whom is this ‘I’ that seeks the finger on his forehead”. Allow this ‘I’ to exist don’t try to exonerate it, you know, no need to kill it, or try so rigorously to subside it, perhaps allow it to see what the finger points at, so as to bamboozle the holy heck out of it, into finally wishing to humble itself before the supremacy of Silence.