To write or not to write
We think so hard,
Profusely even,
Compulsively even,
That we’ve forgotten what it even feels like,
To not think,
To simply be,
And let be,
And let live,
Be and let be,
Oh how nice that would be,
To live in the mountains,
Next to A beautiful River,
Or pond,
A luscious forest,
With beautiful,
And insects,
A most wonderful environment,
We may romanticize,
What we do not have,
But let us,
Be reminded,
That life is not without it’s struggles,
It is a matter of attitude,
That get’s us through,
The toughest of situations,
The storm,
The whirlpool,
Is meant to,
Dishevel us,
So that we come out of it,
A different person,
A naked person sometimes,
Our clothes having been ripped off,
And now having to reinvent ourselves,
Or simply,
Be as that naked self,
Go about life,
With the resolving belief,
That all,
Shall shape,
You into your most destined,
And then go!