Why do this,
Or that,
Why do anything,
Which one?
Where to go?
How to do?
What does it mean?
All such questions,
I’ve no answer too,
I most likely operate based on what,
My objectives are,
And depending on my internal resources,
Those which have been taught to me,
I perform something which will,
Or maybe not,
Probably not,
Lead me to completing my objective,
Though in the midst of the navigation,
Towards the object,
Perhaps I’ve even lost sight,
Of the object,
And have developed and all together,
Wholly new goal,
Holy moly,
And then towards the new goal I go,
And then divergence once again,
I am bamboozled back and forth,
Between doing and non-doing,
My life is a mixture of intricate lines which crisscross,
Creating an impressive display,
What the fuck,
Is this guy doing,
He seems to be achieving all his goal,
Though in the midst,
There is much much confusion,
As though I don’t know,
Any of it,
None at all,
I haven’t got a clue really,
Where it is,
Why it is,
How it is,
What it is,
Though despite this,
And perhaps because of this,
I’ve decided to go forwards and live through whatever decision I make,
As my life,
For this is my life,
Not any one else’s,
It is my decision,
I decide such things,
With no clue really,
As to the ultimate outcome,
I admit to my cluelessness,
And wish only to live,
In accordance to the innateness,
Of my Self,
That’s all,
Nothing further,
Nothing so complicated,
Though the journey this may lead me on,
I haven’t got a clue,
It’s been one heck of a ride so far,
I can only imagine,
Not even,
My imagination,
Though it is far-reaching, divinely,
Wonderfully immense,
Can fathom the possibilities that my life shall conjure,
I can only await the bounty,
Of the seeds which my honesty bestows to the ground,
As I walk knowing,
That each of my steps are that of one,
Whom is walking an unpaved kind of path,
Those who wish to join,
Please be welcomed,
It’s a utterly bamboozling path,
One of spontaneity,
One of deterioration and reconstruction,
One of exploration,
And there is a certain magnificence about it,
Knowing you’ve lived truly,
In concordance to your fundaments,
To that which sustains your very being,
Your curiosity,
Your openness,
Your brilliance,
All such words,
They’ve no importance,
Though I cherish their wondrousness,
As a tool for ponderousness,
Is it not,
The direction which the wind blows,
And your sail boat goes?