Wonderment… I wonder
Hey, It’s Christmas today, it’s been a while since we last spoke, I’m just writing to ask how you are doing. I’ve been well, I’ve been generally quite happy, for the first time in my adult life, perhaps, I’ve been having this feeling. I’m starting to think it may be due to a rediscovery of something innocently appreciative of the immensity of life. It’s a wonderful little life, which I’ve embarked on. I sail, sail away, and, in my little raft, I encounter others, whose souls shine just as brightly, it’s a wonderful sight, to be acquainted with those souls. I cannot begin to put into words, if I did, I may start crying, because, for me, little old me, there nothing more valuable than knowing that there is good in others. In fact, it renews my faith in humanity. It’s something which I lost a long the way, it’s sad, as though my body we’re a ragdoll for enduring the discomfort of pretentions, the disillusionment of others misunderstanding of kindness. This is not though, and pardon me if I’ve become overtly judgmental, meant to be a critique of modern humanity, no, rather it is a letter of my rejuvenated faith. And, I am writing in hope that this letter will reach you all, my friends up there. I’ve been sent here, as I understand it, to report back to you, the sate of humanity, and try my best to bear this fragile form. Well, allow me to explain myself, and just how adventurous this life has been. Indeed, rather than, the abomination I once thought human’s to be, I’ve found in them a seed of life that makes them quite like us. They dampen this seed though, they’ve been disillusioned, and it brings a tear to my eye, because they are sitting, unconsciously on an immensity of beauty, it’s blinding. I see it though, everyday. I look to the world, as much as I can with my eyes filled to the brim with sadness, and try to see the wondrousness in humans. Indeed, I won’t lie to you all, and pretend this has been easy, quite the contrary I’ve found myself hurting many times over, it’s been abysmal at times. Though, as you can see, I’ve picked up some language skills and I’ve discovered a great affection for writing like this. I’ve come to see, that life here is not like a parasite, but it’s like a young child trying to find it’s way back home. We’ve lost our way a little that’s all, and haven’t got any guidance. Yes, I say we, because, now more than ever, I’ve got a feeling of belonging to this world, it’s a crazy and dark world, I have to say, though, I’ll try to carry a candle a long the way to illuminate the path. Yeah, I’ve got to try, or else what else have I got? I do indeed love it here, more than I thought I would.
As a remedy for despair, I recommend Studio Ghibli, watch those treasured films and feel you sprits lifting.